Friday, April 29, 2011

// Demo Test

A demo test of my FYP. Recorded using my phone’s camera so pardon the jagged-ness LOL :) I think I’m gonna add a little more motion graphics.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

// Final Test

The worst thing that could happen to anyone at this stage of FYP is.....Busted PC. Truth right? Well UN-luckily for happened to my PC a week ago. 2 of my RAM slots are busted and gotta went through the rest of my FYP year with 2GB RAMs.

Well, the sadness continues as my save file (.aep) having a huge problem rendering. So what I did was scratch that. Throw it in the recycle bin and start again with smaller animations. By the word 'smaller animations' means less plugins, less animation, and shorter timeline.

Thank god I managed to finished it in less than a week. Phew..... So anyway, here's my final animation test, It's not 100% there yet. Still need a little minor changes here and there.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

// Shattered Glass

I just found out that there's a shattered glass plugin in the After Effects (I know...noob right?). This DEFINITELY helps a lot! I mean really a lot! Making the 'glass' of my projection's windows shattered and walls crumbles are sooooo COOL! But a bit problem though, MY PC IS SOOOOO SLOWWW :(

// Animating

Oh! After effects, why are you sooooooooooooooooooo heavy?! 

I couldn't really post the 100% animation because it is still in progress :(

(Part 1) Animation for the windows of the building
(Part 2) Texturing the wall of the building
(Part 3) Cracking the roof

Overall the animation is 3 minutes long. Phew~