Thursday, December 2, 2010

// Research 2

I've been distributing questionnaires through online for research and I want to say thank you for all the people who answered them. I send the questionnaire to people of various ages and the result quite amazed me. According to my result, only students were agreed on helping me with my questionnaire. As for the adult (working people), them seemed to not care about it. Hmmmm~ Well I can see there's two possibilities here. Whether their busy or pretend to be busy (don't really care). So much for Tolerance huh? LOL.

Here are all the questions that I asked:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
- Occupation
- Do you understand what tolerance means?
- Do aware of tolerance in Malaysia?
- Is tolerance a virtue?
- Is tolerance important?
- How to teach tolerance?
- Why does the world need the tolerance?

Anyway, here's the screenshot of my result. Again, thank you for all whom helped me :)

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