Thursday, December 2, 2010
// Research 3
I am still researching for a good content for my project. Not just having a good content but also sending a powerful message to the audience. So I'm still researching for that. Hopefully if I consulted with my lecturer I would find what I'm looking for. But so far here's what I've found and could be a potential content for my project.
// Research 2
I've been distributing questionnaires through online for research and I want to say thank you for all the people who answered them. I send the questionnaire to people of various ages and the result quite amazed me. According to my result, only students were agreed on helping me with my questionnaire. As for the adult (working people), them seemed to not care about it. Hmmmm~ Well I can see there's two possibilities here. Whether their busy or pretend to be busy (don't really care). So much for Tolerance huh? LOL.
Here are all the questions that I asked:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
- Occupation
- Do you understand what tolerance means?
- Do aware of tolerance in Malaysia?
- Is tolerance a virtue?
- Is tolerance important?
- How to teach tolerance?
- Why does the world need the tolerance?
Anyway, here's the screenshot of my result. Again, thank you for all whom helped me :)
Here are all the questions that I asked:
- Gender
- Age
- Status
- Occupation
- Do you understand what tolerance means?
- Do aware of tolerance in Malaysia?
- Is tolerance a virtue?
- Is tolerance important?
- How to teach tolerance?
- Why does the world need the tolerance?
Anyway, here's the screenshot of my result. Again, thank you for all whom helped me :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
// Research 1
I've been searching a software to develop a projection mapping easily for month. Finally, I found two program that are probably the most easiest way to create a project mapping. The softwares are called Quartz Composer & VDMX. VDMX unfortunately doesn't have this feature built-in, but fortunately has beautiful integration with Quartz Composer - allowing user to build a quad warper in QC using a GLSL vertex shader, which should be super fast.
These softwares only available for MAC users (as I was told). That's a problem right there because I don't own a MAC computer of laptop. But I try to borrow one....hopefully~
Got this from a website:
These softwares only available for MAC users (as I was told). That's a problem right there because I don't own a MAC computer of laptop. But I try to borrow one....hopefully~
Got this from a website:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
// Roadtrip
As you know I went to Petrosains KLCC earlier this month. Here's the video version of it.
Petrosains Trip (pt. 1) from Shamin Aizat on Vimeo.
Petrosains Trip (pt. 2) from Shamin Aizat on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
// Inspirations
A trip of finding inspirations at Petrosains KLCC. Followers: Me, Salmiyati, Wan Liyana, Ajwad (FA), Izham (FA).
Hologram-ish installation
Communicator Installation
More researching....
So many things to research and touch~!
Monday, November 1, 2010
// Sketches & Mind Map
Mind Map:
(I'm really having a bit of a trouble trying to figure out hows the placement of my projection mapping going to be. This is only an idea. More sketches to come)
Mind Map:
(The idea of my topic is to put an awareness to the public of how important it is tolerance in children)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
// The Chosen One
Well I've just finished consulted all 3 of my proposals for the last time. Both lecturers were okay with all 3 of them. They picked my 3rd proposal. The one that is about the PROJECTION MAPPING!!!! :) Mr Kok Yoong said that my topic for the projection mapping is too sentimental. Projection mapping is about fast paced and up beat musics. He thinks it's interesting if the output can be executed.
Don't worry Mr Kok Yoong,
Don't worry Mr Kok Yoong,
// Topic #3
Title: Tolerance
An open message to parents on the concept of tolerance.
-- Hate of other people, religion, sexuality.
-- Most of them come from parents and teachers.
-- To create awareness of teaching tolerance to children.
-- To show what happen if there is zero tolerance in the future.
-- To teach people about tolerance
I got the topic after watching a video clip shown by my lecturer, Kok Yoong during the DM's class. It's a video about a handicap person sharing her story of being a handicap to her audience.
During her talk, she said;
I 100% agreed with her. Children looked up at adults and learn from adult. Children need to learn how love one another, to respect one another and not to expose their mid with hatred.
Idealization & Concept:
Create an audio visual that include motion graphic, video and typography.
Target Audience:
-- Adult (Parents)
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
[Example of content]
Design Approach:
-- Infographics
-- Motion graphics
-- Audio Visual
An open message to parents on the concept of tolerance.
-- Hate of other people, religion, sexuality.
-- Most of them come from parents and teachers.
-- To create awareness of teaching tolerance to children.
-- To show what happen if there is zero tolerance in the future.
-- To teach people about tolerance
I got the topic after watching a video clip shown by my lecturer, Kok Yoong during the DM's class. It's a video about a handicap person sharing her story of being a handicap to her audience.
During her talk, she said;
"...they only learn to be frighten...when an adult influences them to behave that way."
I 100% agreed with her. Children looked up at adults and learn from adult. Children need to learn how love one another, to respect one another and not to expose their mid with hatred.
Idealization & Concept:
Create an audio visual that include motion graphic, video and typography.
Target Audience:
-- Adult (Parents)
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
[Example of content]
Design Approach:
-- Infographics
-- Motion graphics
-- Audio Visual
// Topic #2
Title: The Ant and the Grasshopper (An Augmented Reality Bedtime Story Book)

The story The Ant and the Grasshopper is one of my personal favorite story back when I was in kindergarten. The story is about the grasshopper loves to have fun, use up all that it has, and enjoy life lavishly. On the other hand, the ant is hardworking and thrifty. One day, while the ant was delivering corn he was able to collect, the grasshopper asked to join its merrymaking. The ant refused and proceeded to collect more corn. Then came winter and as expected, the grasshopper died of cold and hunger, while the ant survived the season because it was prepared. The moral of the story is; save now and prepare for the future.
According to what people are saying nowadays, children doesn't like to read books. Books are boring to most children in this world. In order to attract them is by putting a lot of illustrations in a book. But just an illustration on a page is now consider as BORING to the them. In order to attract them back again to hit the books is by developing an augmented reality book for them.
-- Experiencing the new way of reading material.
-- Attract children to read story books.
-- Allowing children to can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire.
I've always love the idea of an augmented reality book. Gives you the taste of how are the future reading materials will be. With the augmented reality book, readers can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire by simply turning the physical book around (to see the model from behind), maneuvering the book directly toward them (to see the model from above), etc. Combining the idea of augmented reality book with children storybook will definitely be creating a fun way to read a book. Plus this also will definitely attract the children attention to open and read the book.
Idealization & Concept:
-- Develop an augmented reality application using webcam and a desktop.
-- The webcam record the video and the video is shown on a monitor near the augmented reality book.
Target Audience:
-- Children
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
[Go to the time line 0.50 to view my idea]
Design Approach:
-- 3D objects
-- Audio (sfx)
-- Animation

The story The Ant and the Grasshopper is one of my personal favorite story back when I was in kindergarten. The story is about the grasshopper loves to have fun, use up all that it has, and enjoy life lavishly. On the other hand, the ant is hardworking and thrifty. One day, while the ant was delivering corn he was able to collect, the grasshopper asked to join its merrymaking. The ant refused and proceeded to collect more corn. Then came winter and as expected, the grasshopper died of cold and hunger, while the ant survived the season because it was prepared. The moral of the story is; save now and prepare for the future.
According to what people are saying nowadays, children doesn't like to read books. Books are boring to most children in this world. In order to attract them is by putting a lot of illustrations in a book. But just an illustration on a page is now consider as BORING to the them. In order to attract them back again to hit the books is by developing an augmented reality book for them.
-- Experiencing the new way of reading material.
-- Attract children to read story books.
-- Allowing children to can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire.
I've always love the idea of an augmented reality book. Gives you the taste of how are the future reading materials will be. With the augmented reality book, readers can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire by simply turning the physical book around (to see the model from behind), maneuvering the book directly toward them (to see the model from above), etc. Combining the idea of augmented reality book with children storybook will definitely be creating a fun way to read a book. Plus this also will definitely attract the children attention to open and read the book.
Idealization & Concept:
-- Develop an augmented reality application using webcam and a desktop.
-- The webcam record the video and the video is shown on a monitor near the augmented reality book.
Target Audience:
-- Children
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
[Go to the time line 0.50 to view my idea]
Design Approach:
-- 3D objects
-- Audio (sfx)
-- Animation
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
// Topic #1
Title: Pizza Boy: The Game (title is under working progress)
A 2D game that is based on a project done a group of Film & Animation for their Final Year Project. The game focus on a pizza delivery boy who tries to deliver a pizza to a customer. But along the way he face several obstacles. From running away from a group of angry dogs to defeating a group street gang to escaping from an alien abduction. He have to hurry and delivers it before it runs cold!
When people create a flash based game, the only controller that is used are the keyboards. Why not change it by using some other controller. For example the arcade controller or the console controller or maybe touch screen perhaps?? :)
-- Create an fun interactive 2D game.
-- Promote the fyp project from the chosen film & animation group.
-- Experience flash game using arcade joystick/console controller.
I have this idea since my first gamma semester. In cooperating with other student from different majoring to create a one mash-up project. Plus, I really into games that is based from something else like a movie or a book. People said that retro game is definitely out nowadays. But to be honest, people still enjoy the good old day's games. There are still retro-arcade-look games being published and sold. The only things that are different from the old days to now are; more detailed graphics, no more cheesy chiptune music and the boss fights are much-much more epic.
Idealization & Concept:
-- Develop an arcade like booth complete with arcade joystick controller.
-- The music; With distinct inspiration from Chiptunes and Electronica the music sounds like your favorite retro game and even better.
-- The story of Pizza Boy is told in beautifully drawn comic strips and trough game animation.
-- New school retro graphics
-- The game will not be 100% based on the short film. Only the characters and the main plot of the storyline are the same.
-- Some of the obstacles I create it myself for the sake of the video game and originality.
-- In the short film, there will be only 3 main bosses. But for the game I make it at least a 5 level game.
-- There will be a boss fight at the end of each levels.
-- The higher the level goes, the harder the bosses.
-- Between each levels there will be a short animation (cut-scene)
-- Each levels will a limited time to to finish it.
-- High scores display at the end of each level.
Target Audience:
-- Teen and above
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
The layouts of how the game is going to look like are pretty much like these;
[Scott Pilgrim The Game for the Playstation 3]
Design Approach:
-- Vector/Pixel Graphics
-- Audio (background music & sfx)
-- Animations (cut-scenes)
A 2D game that is based on a project done a group of Film & Animation for their Final Year Project. The game focus on a pizza delivery boy who tries to deliver a pizza to a customer. But along the way he face several obstacles. From running away from a group of angry dogs to defeating a group street gang to escaping from an alien abduction. He have to hurry and delivers it before it runs cold!
When people create a flash based game, the only controller that is used are the keyboards. Why not change it by using some other controller. For example the arcade controller or the console controller or maybe touch screen perhaps?? :)
-- Create an fun interactive 2D game.
-- Promote the fyp project from the chosen film & animation group.
-- Experience flash game using arcade joystick/console controller.
I have this idea since my first gamma semester. In cooperating with other student from different majoring to create a one mash-up project. Plus, I really into games that is based from something else like a movie or a book. People said that retro game is definitely out nowadays. But to be honest, people still enjoy the good old day's games. There are still retro-arcade-look games being published and sold. The only things that are different from the old days to now are; more detailed graphics, no more cheesy chiptune music and the boss fights are much-much more epic.
Idealization & Concept:
-- Develop an arcade like booth complete with arcade joystick controller.
-- The music; With distinct inspiration from Chiptunes and Electronica the music sounds like your favorite retro game and even better.
-- The story of Pizza Boy is told in beautifully drawn comic strips and trough game animation.
-- New school retro graphics
-- The game will not be 100% based on the short film. Only the characters and the main plot of the storyline are the same.
-- Some of the obstacles I create it myself for the sake of the video game and originality.
-- In the short film, there will be only 3 main bosses. But for the game I make it at least a 5 level game.
-- There will be a boss fight at the end of each levels.
-- The higher the level goes, the harder the bosses.
-- Between each levels there will be a short animation (cut-scene)
-- Each levels will a limited time to to finish it.
-- High scores display at the end of each level.
Target Audience:
-- Teen and above
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:
The layouts of how the game is going to look like are pretty much like these;
[Pizza Boy App for the iPhone]
[Scott Pilgrim The Game for the Playstation 3]
Design Approach:
-- Vector/Pixel Graphics
-- Audio (background music & sfx)
-- Animations (cut-scenes)
// More Deeper, Please!
"You need to study more on what's the content in your application"
I think that is one of the word that came out from my lecturers when I consulted my projects idea this afternoon for the first time. (Sigh) I already have the words up in my head but when I consulted with them my tongue somehow felt numb and my brain stop working. Dengggg...need to stop with all this stupid nervous feelings. I mean, it's not even a presentation to the whole class. Guess I need to write down everything in papers (or blog) before consulting again. So stupid!
I think that is one of the word that came out from my lecturers when I consulted my projects idea this afternoon for the first time. (Sigh) I already have the words up in my head but when I consulted with them my tongue somehow felt numb and my brain stop working. Dengggg...need to stop with all this stupid nervous feelings. I mean, it's not even a presentation to the whole class. Guess I need to write down everything in papers (or blog) before consulting again. So stupid!
Monday, October 25, 2010
// Oh! Intro!
Hello fellow readers and lecturers :) I'm Shamin Aizat and this is my Digital Media's Final Year Project Blog.
Will post loads of idealizations and the work progress of my final year project. I have a few ideas in mind but still need to fill them up with lots of contents before turning them into the official proposals. This is week 2 of my 14 weeks in this semester. I still haven't got enough contents for the proposals.
Will post loads of idealizations and the work progress of my final year project. I have a few ideas in mind but still need to fill them up with lots of contents before turning them into the official proposals. This is week 2 of my 14 weeks in this semester. I still haven't got enough contents for the proposals.
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