Thursday, October 28, 2010

// Topic #2

Title: The Ant and the Grasshopper (An Augmented Reality Bedtime Story Book)


The story The Ant and the Grasshopper is one of my personal favorite story back when I was in kindergarten. The story is about the grasshopper loves to have fun, use up all that it has, and enjoy life lavishly. On the other hand, the ant is hardworking and thrifty. One day, while the ant was delivering corn he was able to collect, the grasshopper asked to join its merrymaking. The ant refused and proceeded to collect more corn. Then came winter and as expected, the grasshopper died of cold and hunger, while the ant survived the season because it was prepared. The moral of the story is; save now and prepare for the future.

According to what people are saying nowadays, children doesn't like to read books. Books are boring to most children in this world. In order to attract them is by putting a lot of illustrations in a book. But just an illustration on a page is now consider as BORING to the them. In order to attract them back again to hit the books is by developing an augmented reality book for them.

-- Experiencing the new way of reading material.
-- Attract children to read story books.
-- Allowing children to can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire.

I've always love the idea of an augmented reality book. Gives you the taste of how are the future reading materials will be. With the augmented reality book, readers can see the 3D graphics from whatever point of view they desire by simply turning the physical book around (to see the model from behind), maneuvering the book directly toward them (to see the model from above), etc. Combining the idea of augmented reality book with children storybook will definitely be creating a fun way to read a book. Plus this also will definitely attract the children attention to open and read the book.

Idealization & Concept:
-- Develop an augmented reality application using webcam and a desktop.
-- The webcam record the video and the video is shown on a monitor near the augmented reality book.

Target Audience:
-- Children
Review, Analysis & Precedence studies:

[Go to the time line 0.50 to view my idea]

Design Approach:
-- 3D objects
-- Audio (sfx)
-- Animation

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